Arriving a little early to a networking event is a great way to avoid walking into a room full of strangers – they walk into your room! But it comes with the added bonus of getting to spend a bit of time with the event host.

Host’s are often forgotten about at events, they welcome us on arrival and show us the ropes, but then we’re off networking with all the other delegates. Don’t get me wrong, that’s what we’re meant to do at a networking event, it’s just that the hosts have so much to offer it’s important to remember to network with them too!

Here are 5 reasons why you should show your host a bit of love;

1. They’re the most connected person in the room

The host of any networking event is likely to be the most connected person in the room (virtual or in-person). It’s their job to know the people there, so networking with the host can potentially help you find the people you’re looking for.

2. They want you to get value from their event

They genuinely want you to get value from attending their events, so don’t be afraid to ask them for support. If you’re a nervous networker, or new to the group, chatting to the host can help you feel more at ease and again, it’s their job to make sure you get value from attending.

3. Keep them up to date with your business

Your business will naturally develop, so make sure to keep the hosts in the loop with what you’re up to. If they don’t know about your new products/services then they can’t help you promote them!

4. Ask for introductions

If there’s someone in the network you’d like to speak to, ask the host for a facilitated introduction. This could be at an event while you’re both in the room, or could be an e-intro. Either way, the host will be able to offer a warm intro which can make an initial interaction a lot easier.

5. Get the inside scoop!

Hosts are not only super connected, but they’re super knowledgeable too! Networking with them will give you access to a whole load of information and knowledge you’d maybe never come across online. Simply having a conversation can open up loads of opportunities around support, upcoming events, speaking opportunities, the list goes on.


So next time you’re at a networking event, either arrive a little early, or stay back until the end, and make sure you take some time to really get to know the wonderful hosts who are there to help and who want to see you succeed. Tap into their knowledge and networks, and make sure you’re getting the most out of being a part of their amazing communities.


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