Last week I released a 2 Min Networking Tip on Contactless Cards (I got mine from V1CE*), and people went wild for it! With face-to-face events making a come-back, but social distancing still at the forefront of peoples minds, contactless cards could really start coming into their own.

*this is an affiliate link – I did a bunch of research, loved their product, and now if you buy via this link I get a small % of the sale!

Lets face it, there’s LOADS of benefits to them –

  • You only need to buy one card. Ever. Which means you’ll never run out and it’s great for the environment!

  • You can share loads more data with a linktree (you can see mine HERE!), such as; social media profiles, website, multiple emails, product links, contact details including pictures, whatever you want.

  • You’re in control of the data you include so you can edit it anytime you like. No need for a reprint!

  • They look really nice and are a great talking point, and they’re memorable.

All this being said, does this mean that the traditional business card is now obsolete?

I attended a networking event a few days ago and although I pulled out my contactless card to share my details with someone (and yes, it does make you feel like a networking ninja!), I couldn’t help but miss that moment of handing over something tangible to someone.

It’s kind of like the old Kindle vs Books, for some people you just can’t beat hold and reading an actual book!

It’s got me thinking that although contactless card come with a range of benefits, there still could be a place for a traditional printed version too – something that represents you and your business, something that’s multi-sensory and helps build an impression of you and your company. A nice, thick, beautifully printed business card that someone gets to take away with them to remember you by.

But maybe in the future tangible business cards won’t include the information they use to – name, job title, email etc. All that info will be covered within the contactless linktree, so maybe we use the tangible cards for something else!?

  • Discount codes for one of our products.

  • A variety of top tips they can pick from.

  • Examples of photography (if you’re a photographer)

  • Positive affirmation cards they can chose from.

  • Vouchers for a free cuppa when they have a meeting with us!

Whatever fits with your brand, your business, and your values, and gives the people you meet something positive and tangible to take away – could these be the business cards of the future?

I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Get in touch on social, or drop me a line at [email protected]