Last week I launched NetKno as a new name, with a new brand, and a new strategic networking platform! I’m not gonna lie, it was tough.
The only way I can describe the process is that it’s kinda like having a baby. Bare with me while I try to explain:
Building the platform was a lot of work and took a lot of time, and it sometimes felt like pregnancy; tough going and felt like it was taking forever. The closer we got to launch date / due date the higher the stress levels and the more pressure I felt. Focusing on that date it builds up to this crescendo of hard work that finally leads to launch day when the real pain arrives: labour! Things never go to plan, but you graft and push and finally you can share your new baby with the world.
Just like labour though this is not the end, it’s just the beginning…
Now there’s this entirely new business there that needs love, attention and nurturing. It’s not like it was before, suddenly I’m discombobulated and not sure what to focus on first! I need to find my feet again, get into a new routine, sort out loads of admin (setting up new email account, create new social assets etc. etc.), and create a new normal.
I’ve been so lucky to work with a fantastic company (thanks Layers for everything!), so have really enjoyed the entire process of developing the platform, and there’s still lots more exciting editions yet to come! Now it’s time to look to the next chapter and give my new baby the time and attention it needs in order to really make the positive impact on the North East’s business community I know it can.
For more info on how the new strategic networking platform can help you source and select events take a look at NetKnoWho